Other Camps

Millions Of Murders​

A Cruel Extermination

Although Nazi Germany only established around 1,000 camps, the truth is there were about 44,000 locations used to sort or incarcerate prisoners.
Apart from concentration camps, the regime also established forced labour camps, transit camps, prisoner of war camps and even killing centres. Ghettos were also included in this count.
The first concentration camp was Dachau, but there are many other camps, ruins and leftovers out there, some of them still undiscovered today. Nazis tried to hide the horrors of their genocide as the war was reaching to an end. Some camps were razed, dismantled and covered with trees.

Holocaust Museum of Corfu
Holocaust Museum of Corfu

Explore Other Camps

Star of David Brooch From Chełmno

Holocaust Museum of Corfu

Chełmno was one of the deadliest extermination camps, with many prisoners being murdered in gas vans. After about 10 minutes of continuous intoxication, vans were driven a few miles away and dead bodies were disposed of in excavated mass graves. This Star of David brooch was found by locals close to the remains of the camp. It was kept as a war relic.

· Donated by the Konopacki family

Star Of David Ring From Sobibor​

Holocaust Museum of Corfu

Despite being partially dismantled after a bloody revolt started by prisoners, Sobibor still hid many secrets that the Nazi regime tried to keep. Some survivors returned to the camp later to find out what happened to their loved ones. There are still many personal belongings hidden underground today. This silver ring was found by Akiwa and kept in his family since then.

· Donated by the Lipowski family

Flossenbürg Prisoner’s Tefillah​

Holocaust Museum of Corfu

This is only a small part of the classic tefillin used by Jews for prayers. The other part was lost. It was found by a local named Dagobert while searching for valuables after liberation, despite the camp being used with other purposes after the war. It was kept in a box with other things from the camp, which was found by Dagobert’s descendants after he passed away.

· Donated anonymously

Many More Items​

Holocaust Museum of Corfu

Our collection has countless other items to display. We are currently in the process of saving donations to open a physical museum, so we can display the entire collection. Any donation through the button below will be greatly appreciated and can help us preserve the memory of the Holocaust alive. Thank you.

Rebecca Aaron was the last Holocaust survivor in Corfu. May her memory be a blessing.